We may be ugly, be we aren’t shy. Here are links to media coverage of Mighty Ugly.
If you’re interested in covering Mighty Ugly, please contact Kim Werker by email at kim-AT-mightyugly.com, by phone at 778-960-3096, or by filling in the contact form.
- On May 26th, 2013, Kim spoke about the magic of Vancouver Mini Maker Faire (and making ugly things) in a spread in The Province about the event.
- A CNN iReporter came to Vancouver Mini Maker Faire on June 24th, 2012 (see the clip at iReport here):
- It’s not exactly media coverage, but Kim recorded a Mighty-Ugly-themed piece for the May 3-4th 2012 Longshot Radio program on the theme of creativity and failure (listen to the whole show here).
- At the Vancouver One of a Kind Show in December 2011, Mighty Ugly was featured on:
Shaw TV’s The Express (around minute 4:59)and Novus TV (around minute 3:22):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIDdU_-fUMk - Kim spoke with Scott Jones of The Electric Playground at Vancouver Mini Maker Faire (June 2011).
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lilW7k_3XYA - She didn’t end up putting us on The Today Show, but their style editor, Bobbie Thomas, totally mentioned Mighty Ugly on her blog (26th July 2010).
- CBC Radio One, North by Northwest, 8th May 2010. My interview with host Sheryl MacKay is first up in the show’s podcast (mp3 download).
- CBC Vancouver news, 9th April 2010